On Saturday, October 16, 2021, over 2,000 family and friends will join together at the 4-H Education Center at Auerfarm for their return of the annual Fall Festival. The annual Fall Festival at Auerfarm raises funds to support the all-season educational programs and ensure access to educational farm-based education is available to everyone. The Fall Festival event starts at 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

“Over the years, the Fall Festival became an October date that everyone saved. Last year, no date was saved as it was a tough year for everyone. We hope to reignite that community-wide spark for engagement, fellowship and belonging. We want everyone to come on down to experience the magic of Auerfarm, while engaging with our animals, vendors, Scarecrow Competition, Cow Chip Bingo Raffle, tour guides, and meet and greet new and familiar neighbors.” said Erica Fearn, Executive Director, Auerfarm.

Plan for a special day on a historical farm to celebrate the new harvest season in person, while cultivating lasting relationships with families, community, and business leaders in an outdoor environment. A “down-home rustic” autumn event that gives the community an opportunity to play an important role in the advancing access to educational opportunities to many children, teens, and families in the Greater Hartford area.

“There is a lot of planning that goes into this event, but just as our forefather farmers did with unpredictability, we follow suit by rolling up our sleeves, getting back up on the proverbial horse, and making the best of it all. This year, the festival will have its first Scarecrow Decorating Competition Contest, Cow Chip Bingo Raffle for the community to join in to win cash prizes, a lot of hands-on family-fun activities, food trucks, arts & crafts, vendor tables, and a 4-H Premier Showman Presentation with farm animals. Save the date and we hope to see you in October.” said Fearn.

Through the years, the Fall Festival was a local seasonal event that people of all ages looked forward to packing up their cars, vans, and trucks with friends and family to spend time on historic land with family and new and familiar neighbors.

The farm was generously donated by Beatrice Fox Auerbach’s grandchildren to 4-H with an agreement to maintain the property as open space and provide community resources where children and families can learn about and enjoy the ambiance of the farm. The120-acre property located in the northwest section of Bloomfield, CT was deeded to the non-profit 4-H Education Center at Auerfarm Inc. (Auerfarm) in 1976.

Auerfarm students learn that the farmer is a scientist, anyone can be a scientist, and agriculture science affects everyday life. Auerfarm educational programs are all based on the inquiry learning method. Encouraging critical thinking and curiosity, while providing concrete hands-on discovery experiences essential to motivate and inspire scientific literacy for life-long learning.

West Hartford parent and Auerfarm supporter, Nicole Kimball, said, “I understand firsthand how dynamic the farm-based education is at Auerfarm. My 3 children (pre-school, elementary, and middle school ages) each have found education programs that have met them at their levels, while encouraging them to learn, explore, and be curious. I cannot imagine not attending the Fall Festival because the monies raised help all children be empowered to engage in the natural environment.”

Plan to join us and find all the pertinent information at www.auerfarm.org for sponsorships & vendor table opportunities, Scarecrow Competition entry, Cow Chip Bingo Raffle tickets, and much more. The cost of admission is $20/a carload.

Connect with us on our Facebook (4-H Education Center at Auerfarm) and Instagram (Auerfarm) social media pages to be updated on all Auerfarm programs and events during the year.
4-H Education Center at Auerfarm, known as Auerfarm is committed to engaging all ages in learning about farming, science, and the environment.