Patricia H. Estill

RESOLVED, That with great sadness we, the Board of Directors of Auerfarm, record the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Emeritus Director Patricia H. Estill.

One of our most devoted and longest serving members, Pat joined the Board of Directors of Auerfarm in 1998.  Versatile, talented and outgoing, Pat served Auerfarm in many capacities over the years, including as Chair of the Board of Directors, as well as tireless service on the Board, its committees and on various projects.  One of her major long-term contributions was as ambassador to the Greater Hartford community, most especially as our representative to the Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce.

During years of relative quiet at the farm, Pat and others imagined and lobbied for the conversion of one of the farm’s main buildings, which was designed as a dairy barn, into new classrooms for young children.  After ten years of effort, our beautiful classrooms and office facility in the heart of our campus is a reminder of Pat’s persistence and dedication to Auerfarm.  

Pat consistently displayed energy, insight, and perseverance, as well as a love of interacting with people, such as at Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce meetings, making new friends and checking in with old acquaintances, typically with the farm’s interests at top of mind.  Pat was both an advocate and pioneer of marketing for Auerfarm.      

Professionally, Pat served as the Director of Communications and Public Relations for the Connecticut Commission on Children, where she directed outreach for the health, safety and learning of children in Connecticut.  In earlier years, she was a freelance writer and photographer; Executive Director for My Weekly Reader school newspaper; executive editor and director of photography for a cookbook series; and educational consultant to the Captain Kangaroo Show!  Pat’s diverse professional experience contributed greatly to her skills and significant contributions to helping the farm thrive and grow. 

RESOLVED Further, That we, the Board of Directors of Auerfarm, extend our heartfelt thanks to Patricia H. Estill for her many contributions to Auerfarm, and we offer our sincere condolences to her family and her many friends and loved ones.