This month, 4-H members from the Auerfarm 4-H Club were recognized for their hard work at the Hartford County 4-H Fair. Congratulations, Reese, Tahlia, Alexa, Lowen, Carly, and Georgia!

Auerfarm 4-H’ers, Lowen, Juliette, and Eleanor, placed First Place in their Dairy/Livestock judging classes. Jx placed First Place for Goat General Knowledge in the Novice Division. Tahlia received a Memorial Travel trophy for her service project with her rabbit and Georgia received the Cutest Award for the Costume Class. Additionally, Reese, Tahlia, Alexa, Lowen, Carly, and Georgia were also recognized for their First Place placements at the fair. Lowen and Tahlia were also elected to serve as Committee Chairs for the Hartford County 4-H Fair Association!

Congratulations to ALL of our Auerfarm Club Members!