Contact: Cristina Santillan
Position: Marketing, Communications, PR
Phone: (860) 242-7144
For Immediate Release
A Sweet Connecticut Tradition: Auerfarm Welcomes Families for Maple Weekend
BLOOMFIELD, Conn., January 9, 2025— March is maple month and Auerfarm is thrilled to invite you to join in the sweet celebration during CT Maple Weekend! Mark your calendars for March 15th & 16th, 2025, and bring your family, friends, and neighbors for a fun morning at Auerfarm’s Annual Pancake Breakfast and Maple Sugaring Demonstration.
Become a sugarmaker and learn how to tap a maple tree to collect sap. Then, follow the steam to the sugar shack to boil it down into that sweet amber color we know as syrup! After a hard day’s work, enjoy a farm-style breakfast and taste the freshly made maple syrup over a stack of homemade pancakes. After breakfast take the family for a stroll to visit the animals and spend time together in nature.
Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this classic New England tradition of producing maple syrup. This year, we are pleased to offer three seating times on Saturday at 8:30 AM, 10 AM, and 11:30 AM and two on Sunday at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM to accommodate your family’s schedule. Visit for more details and to get tickets.
This annual event helps to further Auerfarm’s mission of inspiring children and adults, to engage in, learn about, and enjoy agriculture, science, and the natural environment. Auerarm invites you to learn about the maple sugaring process, explore the maple tree grove, and connect with yourself, your family, and nature at the Annual Pancake Breakfast and Maple Sugaring demonstration event.

Auerfarm inspires lifelong learning through hands-on, interactive, and innovative experiences that explore agriculture, science, and the environment. Students, families, and visitors gain scientific knowledge and a heightened appreciation for the world around us.
Beatrice Fox Auerbach’s children generously donated the farm to 4-H with an agreement to maintain the property as an open space, providing a community resource where children and families can learn about and enjoy the ambiance of the farm. The 120-acre property in the northwest section of Bloomfield, Connecticut was deeded to the non-profit 4-H Education Center at Auerfarm Inc., (Auerfarm) in 1976. For more information visit Auerfarm, and follow Auerfarm on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Calendar Listing
Auerfarm. March 15th & 16th, 2025. Join us at Auerfarm for a delightful morning of farm-to-table pancakes topped with our fresh maple syrup! Experience the magic of maple sugaring with live demonstrations, tours of our sugar shack, and more. 158 Auer Farm Rd. Bloomfield, CT. 06002 For more information call (860) 242-7144 or