As we ready for spring planting, it’s natural to reflect on the past year. Oh, what a year! Almost exactly one year ago, schools were closing and field trips were cancelling. In one fell swoop, Auerfarm was on the verge of having to close its doors, forever.
I remember reviewing the budget and outstanding bills. How would we ever make it through? I had one of two decisions to make: look at the numbers and close Auerfarm; or fight to keep Auerfarm open and our staff employed. I chose the latter. It was an easy decision and a lot of hard work. Just like farming!
Business as usual no longer exists, especially for nonprofits like Auerfarm. I am proud of our staff team who pivoted and learned to teach virtually. Each team member took on new responsibilities and met every challenge that came “Auer way”. The board of directors helped, too. They led calls to our funders and friends asking for their financial support. And they gave!
So many donors and volunteers worked to keep Auerfarm open to the public. We ran our first licensed summer day camp; masked and socially distanced. While bus-loads of children no longer ran through the fields, our neighbors and families came. Auerfarm became an oasis to so many.
As we reflect on the past year and look towards the new normal, we will take with us the knowledge that we are resilient. We will transform Auerfarm into a place where everyone knows they are welcome. A place where all of us can engage and explore agriculture, science and nature. Auerfarm’s future is stronger than ever. Thank you for being a part of Auer success.
Erica Fearn
Executive Director